How to Say “To Call” in French – A Comprehensive Guide

Imagine yourself in a bustling Parisian market, eager to make a phone call but unsure of the French phrase for “to call.” Fear not, for this comprehensive guide will equip you with the essential knowledge to confidently navigate phone conversations in French.

How to Say 'How do you say this in French?' - French Conversational ...

Defining “To Call”

The verb “to call” in French is “appeler,” pronounced [ah-peh-lay]. It is a transitive verb that takes a direct object, indicating the person or thing being called. For example:

  • “J’appelle ma mère.” (I am calling my mother.)
  • “Je dois appeler le médecin.” (I need to call the doctor.)

Conjugation of “Appeler”

Like all French verbs, “appeler” conjugates based on the tense, person, and number of the subject. Here are the common conjugations:

Tense Subject Conjugation
Present je appelle
Present tu appelles
Present il/elle/on appelle
Present nous appelons
Present vous appelez
Present ils/elles appellent

| Past (perfect) | je | ai appelé |
| Past (perfect) | tu | as appelé |
| Past (perfect) | il/elle/on | a appelé |
| Past (perfect) | nous | avons appelé |
| Past (perfect) | vous | avez appelé |
| Past (perfect) | ils/elles | ont appelé |

| Future | je | appellerai |
| Future | tu | appelleras |
| Future | il/elle/on | appellera |
| Future | nous | appellerons |
| Future | vous | appellerez |
| Future | ils/elles | appelleront |

Practical Applications

Mastering the conjugation of “appeler” opens up a world of communication possibilities in French:

To make a phone call:

  • “Je vais appeler mon ami.” (I am going to call my friend.)
  • “Pouvez-vous m’appeler plus tard ?” (Can you call me later?)

To summon someone or something:

  • “Appelle le chat !” (Call the cat!)
  • “Il a appelé son assistant.” (He called his assistant.)

To invoke or name:

  • “On l’appelle le roi du fromage.” (He is called the king of cheese.)
  • “Ce phénomène est appelé l’effet de serre.” (This phenomenon is called the greenhouse effect.)

Expert Insights and Actionable Tips

Tips from a native speaker:

  • “Remember that the accent grave (`) on the ‘e’ of ‘appeler’ is crucial for its correct pronunciation.”
  • “Be mindful of the subtle difference in pronunciation between ‘appeler’ and similar verbs like ‘appeler’ (to bait) and ‘apporter’ (to bring).”

Actionable tips:

  • Practice conjugating “appeler” aloud to improve your fluency.
  • Listen to native speakers or French audio to master the correct pronunciation.
  • Use French learning apps or online resources to reinforce your knowledge.


Harnessing the power of “appeler” in your French vocabulary empowers you to connect with others, access information, and navigate daily life with confidence. Remember, the key to proficiency lies in consistent practice and immersion in the language. So, pick up that phone and start dialing away in French!

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How Do You Say To Call In French

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